Program Activities-Public Relations

單圖版圖片 Program Activities-Public Relations


Blood Donation-- Bags of Love From Generations
The theme for the Blood Donation Month of the year was "Blood Donation-Bags of Love From Generations". A press conference to initiate the Blood Donation Month was held on December 20, 2011 to encourage people to regularly donate blood; the Registration and Conscription Director of the Ministry of the Interior Guo Chin Chuan along with two military alternative service personnels were also invited to join the event. Sine 2008, The Conscription Agency continued to promote the "Serve Enthusiasticly, Million cc of Blood From the Military Alternative Services" campaign, cumulative to 2012, the blood donation amounted to an outstanding result of more than 962 million cc. In addition, the "Blood Donation Family" was also invited to the press conference to join the festivities and explain the significance and the importance of blood donation heritage, also called for more people to join the Blood Donation Family, and become a happy blood donor. During this year's blood donation month, the Chinese Blood Donation Association made exquisite jacquard bags as souvenir gifts for our fellow enthusiastic blood donors.
In addition, to highlight the spirit of donated blood heritage, the Council held "Big Hands Holding Little Hands, First Time Donor Family Come Together" activities to invite first time donors from families to donate their first bag of blood, and take precious "parent-child blood donation" pictures. As a member of the Donor Family, served as the the blood donation spokesperson, Mr. Sun Yue witnessed his twin grandsons donating their first bag of blood with him on their 17th birthday; uncle Sun (Mr. Sun Yue) stated that by the twins donating blood proves that they have grown up, which was the best example of passing on the blood donation heritage. At the same time, to encourage netizens to fall in the ranks as regular blood donors, there will be an i-Blood (the love blood donation) website hosting monthly blood-donating photo upload events; a blessing lucky charm is given to anyone successfully uploading a blood donation picture within the event period. A total of 258 passionate blood donors had participated.
True Heroes Donate Blood; Show Your Fullest Love
On June 14 this year, the theme of the World Blood Day was "Every Blood Donor Is A Hero". To coincide with Taiwan's 101th independence anniversary year, the blood donation advocacy campaign was held at Taiwan's landmark--The Taipei 101. A joint press conference was held with The Taipei 101 to promote the "True Heroes Donate Blood, Show Your Fullest Love" campaign. 101 donors who had donated blood 101 times were invited to participate in the event-- in hopes of these quietly dedicated "Blood Donating True Heroes" can stand on the highest point in Taiwan, call out and lead the community to perform good deeds.
On the campaign day, we have presented a commemorative plaque to organizations that had organized regular nation-wide blood donation events for more than 10 years, including: The Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd., the Buddha's Light International Association, Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.; also presented a commemorative plaque to 101 donors that had donated blood for 101 times.
Enthusiastic Dedication To Sustain Love
For years, community organizations and businesses have been vigorously supporting blood donation deeds and actively conducting various blood donations. This year, a total of 748,352 units of blood had been collected by these groups, which accounted for 29.29% of the total blood collected. They are as followed:
In addition, enterprise and institutions held regularly large-scale national blood donation campaigns to help patients in need of blood. Some major campaigns were as followed (listed by activity date):

The Lions
The Kiwanis
The Armed Forces
The Rotary
The Buddha International
Medical Care Institutions

1. The Capital Group: had collected 1,967 units of blood. (250 cc per unit)
2. The Shin Kong Groups: had collected 1,064 units of blood.
3. The Fubon Charity Foundation: had collected 7,493 units of blood.
4. The Chunghwa Post: had collected 24,800 units of blood.
5. The Youth Career Development Association Headquarters R. O.C.: had collected 4,059 units of blood.
6. Nan Shan Life Charity Foundation: had collected 1,064 units of blood.
7. The Taiwan Lifeline International: had collected 2,057 units of blood.
8. The Cathay Charity Foundation: had collected 11,833 units of blood.
9. The Hotai Motor Co., Ltd.: had collected 4,843 units of blood.
10. The Youth Development Foundation: had collected 10,365 units of blood.
11. The Kuo Hua Life Insurance Co., Ltd.: had collected 4,936 units of blood.
12. Feng Chia Alumni Association: had collected 1,064 units of blood.
Organizations and Enterprises Paying Back to the Community
Over the years, organizations, enterprises, and non-governmental organizations have been donating money, efforts, and supplies in addition to conducting various blood donation drives. The blood donor centers this year had raised a total of seven large bloodmobiles, two blood transport trucks, one publicity vehicle, and 100,733 empty blood bags.
It is worth mentioning that the Hotai Automobile Co., Ltd. has donated one large bloodmobile to the Tainan Blood Donation Center (HoTai) and the Taichung Blood Donation Center (HoTai 2) for the past two consecutive years. The Lai Shu Wong Social Welfare Charity Foundation teamed up with the Lions Club International to donate one large bloodmobile vehicle; one publicity vehicle was donated to the

Blood Center
Blood Bags (piece)
Large Blood Mobiles
Blood Transport Trucks
Publicity Vehicle
2 vans
1 van
4 vans
1 van
1 van
1 van

Taichung Blood Donation Center. Details are as followed:
Blood Donation Outstanding Merit Recognition
This year, each Blood Donation Center held their outstanding merit recognition ceremony between April and May within their respective regions. There were 113 schools receiving the recognition this year, and were awarded certificates from the Ministry of Education; community organizations have a total of 336 units, and were awarded certificates from the Ministry of the Interior; the National Army has a total of 45 units, and was awarded from the Department of Defense; another 128 units or individuals received outstanding contribution recognition certificates from our organization.
Personal outstanding merit recognition: 4,900 people to donate whole blood from 100 to 410 times; apheresis blood donation from 100 to 1,500 times were 5,164 people. Of which, apheresis blood donation was above 500 times; male whole blood donation above 150 times, female whole blood donation above 100 times, the above mentioned outstanding donors were 349 (198 whole blood; apheresis blood donation 151) not only did they received a recognition certificate from the Department of Health, they were also awarded an honorary medal by the Chinese Blood Donation Association.
Ceremonies took place at the following times and locations:
l   The Taipei Blood Center on April 19th/New Taipei City Multi-Functional Hall 3rd floor
l   The Hsinchu Blood Center on May 18th/Hsinchu Ambassador Hotel International Meeting Hall 10th floor
l   The Taichung Blood Center on April 22nd/Taichung Tunhai University Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall
l   The Tainan Blood Center on April 26th/National Tainan Living Art Center Auditorium
l   The Kaohsiung Blood Center on April 28th/National Kaohsiung Marine University International Meeting Hall
l   The Hualien Blood Center on April 9th/Yilan City Dragon Garden
The 2011 annual outstanding blood donor representatives met with the president on December 14th at the Presidential Palace. It is worth mentioning that one of the representives this year was a visually impaired blood donor. She has donated whole blood 133 times and have been donating blood for 20 consecutive years; she stated that blood donation is the only avenue for her to give back to the community. The outstanding blood donor representatives that met with the president at the presidential palace were: Ni Chung Mao, Tsai Tsong Ling, Chuo Tai Shan, Duan Wei Yu, Chang Yung Sen, Chen Yu Shan, Chen Chia Hsieh, Lee Bao Ling, Lai Ting Chung, Yu Chia Jen (visually impaired), Deng Cho Fung, Huang Yung Ji, Fan Bao Lian, Wen Rei Chuan, Lin Pin Hung, Yang Tse Min, Chen Heui Jian, Hsu Rei Chin, Chang Ya Huei, Chen Wen Tong, Liu Ming Cheng, Chung Ming Hung, Lin Tsong Pu, Wu Yao Yi, Kuh Chin Gao, Chang Ban Shian, Huang Chien Shun, Yang Huang Chuan, Huang Huei Ling, Chiu Wen Hsiung, Lian Yung Huei, Lee Dong Lin, Hung Chin Chuan, Hsu Hsueh Rong, Chang Min Jeh, Huang Shu Jen, Cheng Yi Fung, Liao Huei Wen.
Satisfaction Survey and Service Re-Enhancement
The 2012 Blood Transfusion Service Needs and Satisfaction Survey was conducted from October 15th to November 5th at each Blood Donor Centers. This survey focused on the "apheresis blood donor"; total of 6,643 surveys were taken. After statistical analysis, the main conclusions were: (1) "blood donation environment comfortability" and "service staff friendliness" were the most satisfying (2) "blood donation environment cleanliness" with "phlebotomist needle injection technique" were the most important (3) improving the blood donation location allocation can raise public blood donation willingness (4) Most of the apheresis blood donors donate to help the patients (5) the Blood Transfusion Service satisfaction rate was at a superb 97%; in addition, in regards to "whether the blood donation location is convenient" had significant rooms for improvement.
The survey results showed that blood donors gave above 99% satisfactory ratings to "blood donation environment cleanliness ", "interview clarity and respect to privacy", and "interviewer attitude and interview skills,"; blood donors thought the important items were "blood collection staff needle injection technique ", "blood donation environment cleanliness", and "staff attitude and attentiveness" and more.
Strengthening Interchanges Among Nations
Our organization signed a "Medical Foundation Taiwan Blood Foundation and Red Cross Society of China exchanges memorandum" with the Red Cross Society of China on July 19th, 2012, and notified the Department of Health in writing for future reference on July 31st.
With years of hard work and outstanding achievements, the Taiwan Blood Donation had attracted medical personnels in China and Mongolia to come over for learning exchange. This year, directors of the Mongolian national blood transfusion center, Tserendejid Magvansuren and Nomingerel Lantuu both came to the Taipei Blood Donation Center; Jiangsu Province Blood Center business manager, Ing Kai and Suzhou city blood bank's Dr. Tang Longhai went to the Kaohsiung and Taipei Blood Donation Center for training; focusing on Blood Donor recruitment, screening, blood collection, testing, blood component production, supply, and personnel management as learning exchange.
Furthermore, to advance blood technology, we actively participate in various international conferences to absorb current related knowledge. The international conferences participated this year were:
- The 32nd International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) conference was held in Cancun, Mexico, from July 5th to 12th. Chairman Lin Kuo Shin led a team of delegates composed of-- deputy CEO Mr. Yang, Taipei Blood Donor Center executive director Mr. Hong, Tainan Blood Donor Center executive director Mr. Tsai, Kaohsiung Blood Donor Center executive director Mr. Hong, R&D department Chen Ji Cheng, Taipei Blood Donor Center technical team leader Mr. Hung, Taipei blood donor center quality assurance team leader Mr. Lai, and Kaohsiung Blood Donor Center ingredient department chief Mr. Lu.
- The 65th annual conference of the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) was held in Boston from October 4th to 12th. Led by CEO Mr. Wei, the group of delegates composed of--Taichung Blood Donor Center Director Mr. Lin, Hualien Blood Donor Center Director Mr. Wang, Taipei Donor Center Yang Chi Cheng, Hsinchu Blood Donor Center technician Mr. Chang, and Kaohsiung Blood Donor Center technician Mr. Wang. After the conference, a visit was paid to the Rhode Island Blood Center (a non-profit community blood center under the jurisdiction of the United States FDA with certifications from the AABB, ASHI, CLIA, NMD) to learn about their blood donation blood operation.
- The 2012 Asia Pacific Blood Connection (APBN) annual conference was held from July 3rd to 4th in Cancun, Mexico and was attended by the deputy executive director, Mr. Yang.
- Director of public relations, Ms. Tsong was invited by the Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion to Guangzhou from November 7th to 9th to participate in the 6th annual Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion Blood Transfusion Conference, and to give a presentation on "Taiwan's Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donors Recruitment and Management".
- Public relations director Ms. Tsong and Tainan Blood Donation Center business team leader Mr. Chang were invited to the 10th annual IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross) Asia Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donors Recruitment Seminar; the seminar was held from December 3rd to 6th in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Volunteer Service To Deliver Love
Recognitions were given to volunteers from each of the blood donor centers for active involvement in blood donation promotion and blood donation service affairs. The awarded volunteers from each of the donor centers are as followed:
l   Taipei Blood Donation Center: Lu Shao Shu and Kao Cheng Jie won the "Taipei City Volunteer Service Award" presented by the Taipei City Government Bureau of Social Affairs.
l   Hsinchu Blood Donor Center: Yang Ming Shian was awarded Hsinchu County's 2012 annual volunteer service golden quality medal; Wu Yu Lan was awarded the Hsinchu County's 2012 annual volunteer service honorary award.
l   The Taichung Blood Donation Center: Su Fang Pei was awarded the "12th Prudential youth volunteers Elite Award".
l   Tainan Blood Donation Center: Yang Mei Ling was awarded the "2012 Yunlin County annual local health care volunteer Golded quality Medal" and the "2012 Yunlin County annual volunteer Golden quality Medal"; Lo Su Cheng, Liao Chung Kuan, and Cheng Wen Yuan were awarded the Chiayi City volunteer Bronze quality Medal"; Lin Chu Shu was awarded the "Interior Ministry volunteer Silver quality medal"; Liu Chi Cheng and Chang Yo Luan were awarded the "Tainan City volunteer Bronze quality Medal.
l   Kaohsiung Blood Donation Center: Ren Chi Hong was awarded the "2012 Department of Health national health care volunteer Dexin Award"; Lin Cheng Chung, Lee Shu Hua, and Lin Yong Chuan were awarded the "Kaohsiung volunteer gold quality badge"; Chen Huei Fen six others were awarded the "Kaohsiung volunteer silver quality badge"; Chen Han Shuan and eleven others were awarded the "Kaohsiung volunteer copper quality badge"; the Kaohsiung Blood Center volunteers group was awarded the "2012 Kaohsiung health care volunteer business appraisal level A award".
l   Hualien blood donor Center: Yo Sheng Hsiung was awarded the "2012 Department of Health national health care volunteer Ai Shin Award"; Hong Ming Huh was awarded the "2012 Ministry of the Interior national volunteer Gold Medal "; Liao Huei Wen was awarded the "2012 Ministry of the Interior national Outstanding volunteer Bronze Medal.
In recent years, to reach the roots and encourage the younger generations to donate blood, each Blood Donor Centers have been cooperating with universities and colleges to recruit student volunteers. Students are encouraged to use their after-school spare times as Blood Donation Ambassadors, and to donate blood on campus or to assist large-scaled activities advocating correct blood donation concepts, at time same time to encourage them to join the service.
Online Marketing Is Far-Reaching
Online marketing is the future and the back bone of publicity. In recent years, we have been encouraging blood donors to collect test reports by e-mail, which not only saves time but is also more environmentally friendly; blood donors can also check blood donation locations and information through our website. In addition, our official website provides information on various epidemic areas and medicine/surgery related regulations; each blood donation center also provides the latest regional activity newsletters to encourage public participation. Meanwhile, the i-Blood website provides a "blood encyclopedia" and a children version website to establish a lively interactive communication gateway to reach donors.  
Aside from the official website, each of the blood donor center has a Facebook Fan Page for their FB friends to obtain the latest news. Donating blood is not a one-way street; more love and care can be shared via the internet! As of today, the number of Blood Donation Center FB fans are: Taipei center--32,276 people; Hsinchu center--11,240 people; Taichung Center--9,727 people; Tainan Center--10,809 people; Kaohsiung center--5,124 people; Hualien Center--950 people.
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:8010
  • Last Update:2015/02/12 04:28:10