Taipei Blood Center


Established on August 1, 1974, Taipei Blood Center serves the regions that include TaipeiCity, New Taipei City, Keelung City, Kinmen Countyand Lienchiang County, FujianProvince. The population with in its jurisdiction is about 7.16 millionpeople. Its blood donation spots include two blood donation stations, one each in Keelung and Banqiao, eight fixed blood donation rooms, located in Guandu, Nanhai, Xindian, Changchun, Sanchong, Taipei MetroStation, Taipei City Government, and Xizhi, eight fixed blood donation mobiles, which are located in Chungho, Tucheng, Emei, National Taiwan University, 228 Memorial Park, Chungxiao, Xinzhuang, and Shin Kong Taipei Station, and 16 blood donation mobiles, all of which help to provide the blood for 248 hospitals.

Good to Have You-40th Anniversary of Blood Donation
The theme of this blood donation month is "Good to Have You-40th Anniversary of Blood Donation", which includes a series of blood donation campaigns to collect sufficient blood for medical purposes before Chinese New Year.
Taipei Blood Center collects statistics regarding donors zodiac  signs,  holding  an  interesting  voting activity  "Interpretation  of  Donors'  Zodiac  Signs"  on the i-Bloodsite. On January 17, the "Let Taiwan see love" - Press Conference regarding seeing the love of Taiwan  through  zodiac  signs  was  held  on  the  Emei blood  mobile.  The Libra donors were invited to tell their stories about loving Taiwan by donating blood and Virgo donors shared their happiness about saving lives by donating blood step by step at blood donation spots around Taiwan.
Between January 2 and 20, seven "Relay Races for 40th Anniversary of Blood Donation" were held. All the staff and volunteers, as well as the Blood Baby and the most popular yellow duck, advocated blood donation at Ximending and blood donation spots near the MRT station.
This is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of blood donation services in Taiwan.  To  thank the  blood  donors  and  society  for  their  support,  the "speak  out"  event  for  the  "Good  to  Have  You-40th Anniversary of Blood Donation" celebration was held, and the general public was invited to share the slogan "Let Taiwan see love. Let's donate blood and save lives!"
Praising Excellent Blood Donation Services
The 2013 Praising Excellent Blood Donation Services and the celebration for the 40th anniversary of blood donation services in Taiwan were held together in the square of Zhongshan Hall on April 19 topraise 1,495 whole blood donors, 2,192 apheresis blood donors, 38 schools, 5 troops, 82 facilities and clubs, and five units with special contributions and thank them for their selfless devotion to blood donation.
Safe Blood for Saving Mothers
The theme of World Blood Donor Day on June 14 was "Safe blood for saving mothers". On June 13, a press conference and celebratory events were held on the Emei blood mobile. Miss Wang, an expectant mother of 22 weeks, and Rh-negative blood donor, was invited to share her experiences with having Rh-negative blood and her concerns about giving birth with a special blood type. Another attending mother, Miss Guo, a regular donor, also brought her lovely daughter to share the story of her blind mother's donation and use of blood in the hope of extending the spirit of gratitude to the next generation.
Furthermore, the "Little Angel Parade" event praised mothers' greatness through the lovely voices of children, thanking mothers for giving birth to usand raising us. Along the bustling streets of Ximending, the importance of "saving lives by donating blood” was emphasized to call on the general public to donate blood.
The "Say Thank You to Mothers" event held on the Taipei Blood Center Facebook fan page received an enthusiastic response. Many fans up loaded their photos with their mothers and left messages to praise motherly love and share stories of blood donation.
To Consolidate Blood Donation Ideasby Advocating on Campus
To cope with the problem of the shortage of young blood, our center actively held 34 blood donation promotional events at senior high schools, vocational high schools, colleges, and universities to convey the importance of blood donation.
Corporations' Love and Feedback to Society
Hotai Motor Corporation donated one fixed blood mobile "Xinzhuang", and Guangji Temple, Chungho donated one blood transport truck "Guangji". Enthusiastic people and groups have donated 89,239 blood bags.
Everyone Works for the Protection of Personal Data
Since January 1, 2014, e-mails attached with an examination report on blood donation or second examination have been "encrypted". To promote service quality and solve the problem of undecodable words in mobile phones, the attachment is converted into a PDF file.
The "Statement of Collecting Donor's Personal Data" is posted in each blood donation spot so that donors can understand their rights regarding personal data. The staff and volunteers have all signed the "Statement of Collecting Personal Data" and the "Commitment of Confidentiality". In addition to training programs for personal data and information safety, the staff also receives educational training regarding personal data and information safety audits.
Originally, only spots for apheresis blood donation were equipped with free Wi-Fi. Now, at the end of the year, all the blood donation spots are equipped with free Wi-Fi so that donors can access internet service while waiting to donate blood.
Automatic Blood Examination Procedure
Our center is in charge of the examination procedure in Taipei, Hsinchu, and Hualien. About 2,000-2,500 people are examined every day by automatic examination devices, including TECAN EVOlyser, Beckman Coulter PK7300, and Beckman Coulter AU2700. The results of the examination are transmitted to each center via the internet to avoid abnormalities during data conversion. To ensure that examination quality achieves international standards, our center attends proficiency tests in Taiwan and abroad every year, including theTaiwan Society of Laboratory Medicine, College of American Pathologists, and National Serology Reference Laboratory in Australia.
In May 2009, our center established a blood reference laboratory to help solve clinical problems regarding blood transfusions for the medical facilities in Taiwan, including red blood cell antigen-antibody testing and blood transfusion consultations, as well as provide educational training regarding blood transfusion safety for medical facilities. To meet the needs for blood transfusion in hospitals in Taiwan, the Laboratory also stresses the identification of donors with rare blood types and the data documentation.
To standardize production of blood components, reduce human error, and enhance the efficiency of blood components, our center purchased an automatic pressing machine. In March 2014, our center purchased ten Compomat G4 automatic pressing machines and in November of the same year, our center purchased six LMB automatic pressing machines.
To promote leukoreduction and help patients with such indications to correctly use leukoreduction products, our center held six lectures at the hospital to introduce the advantages of leukoreduction to the doctors, nurses, and medical technologists of the blood bank in the hope of gradually replacing traditional bedside leukocyte reduction. Furthermore, on December 13-14, our center promoted leukoreduction products outside the Annual Conference of theTaiwan Society of Nephrology.
Quality Guaranteed after Auditing and Inspection
The plasma was delivered to CSL, Australia to be manufactured into plasma products for people in Taiwan. The production procedure and blood quality have been examined by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australian Government. CSL appointed auditors to our center on January 16-17.
Taiwan’s Accreditation Foundation supervised and evaluated the "medical laboratory accreditation" at our center on May 30. On December 25-26, the "Evaluation of Accreditation for Medical Laboratory Extension" was performed.
On June 23-27, the Food and Drug Administration conducted "PIC/GMP later inspection of plasma material preparation and production" and "inspection of blood donation facilities" at our center.
Healthy Blood Donation and Safe Blood Use
To enhance blood quality and blood transfusion safety, maintain donors' health and continue to emphasize interaction with hospitals and health education promotions, our center has actively established a variety of communication methods, including:
1.Taking part in educational lectures at the hospital and blood supply forum once ayear.
2.Making new versions of brochures regarding AIDS and placing them in the area where donors fill out forms at the blood donation spots.
3.Designing health education notices regarding foods rich with iron and the iramountofcholesterolasa reference for donors who fail to donate blood because of low hemoglobin.
4.Providing dietary suggestions for donors to avoid donating chylomicronemia.
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:8452
  • Last Update:2015/05/06 03:51:08