Taichung Blood Center


 In addition to the Changhua and Puli Blood Stations, Taichung Blood Center also consists offive fixed blood donation sites and more than 50 mobile blood donation sites. To provide a more comfortable environment for blood donors, Fortune Union CNS donated and built an entirely new Fortune Union CNS mobile on January 12 of this year at the original location of the fixed blood donation sites at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store. Not only is it spacious and bright, but it is also equipped with "double physical examination rooms" to speed up the process of physical examination, shorten donors' wait times, and promote service quality.

The original location of the fixed blood donation sites of the "NCHU mobile" alongside National Chung Hsing University at the intersection between Hsingda Road and Guoguan Road in South Districtof Taichung City, which was established on July 5,1994, will be renovated in cooperation with Taichung City Government's construction of " the improvement of the Midori-Kawa downstream". Therefore, services atthe NCHU mobile were formally ceased on September 1, 2014. To provide sufficient apheresis platelets, Taichung Blood Center is eager to have a proper location for a fixed blood donation room in Dali and Fengyuan in order to collect more apheresis platelets.
The "Taichung County Ren Shan Ren Shi Charity Association", which was founded by members of the Chairperson Association in 2003-2004 of the 300-C2 District and the Taiwan Headquarters of Lions Clubs International, donated a large mobile toTaichung Blood Center on May 31 of this year. The donation ceremony took place in the square of theTaiwan Provincial Consultative Council, where Wufeng, Tong Rui-yang, former Chairperson General of the Taiwan Headquarters of Lions Clubs International and Director of year 03-04 of the 300-C2 Districtand new Taichung City Mayor Lin Jia-long attended.  The new mobile will provide a whole new comfortable environment for donors.
The blood required by the hospitals with in the territory of Taichung Blood Center is mostly delivered by a medical blood transport truck of the Blood Center so as to ensure blood quality. In 2014, 909,930 units of blood were freely offered to more than 620 hospitals in the area, saving countless lives. On October 18, Lee Ming Construction Co. donateda refrigerated blood transport truck to Taichung Blood Center at the 20th Anniversary Music Concert heldat Summer Green Park. With its whole new design, this refrigerated blood transport truck is divided into three independent spaces. The compartment is maintained at different temperatures for the storage of plasma (-20°C), platelets (20-24°C), and erythrocytes (1-6°C). Taichung Blood Center currently owns seven blood transport trucks. With the launch of this new truck, blood quality and service safety can be better enhanced.
To enhance blood quality, the Blood Collection Section has used Hemo Quick Automatic Blood Collectors since August 26, while the component processing section has started testing 10 sets of LMB Dual Press Automatic Blood Component Extractors since November. In the future, automatic machines will be introduced. Later PICS / GMP inspections and visits to blood donation institutes have also been completed. On November 20, they were certified with PICS / GMP. To reinforce the partnership with hospitals, the Chief of the Technology Section, Wang Hshuan-hui, attended the 2014 Blood Bank Staff Professional Training Program — Basic Level held by the Taiwan Society of Blood Transfusion at China Medical University Hospital on July 11 to report on "Blood Components: Preparation, Storage and Transportation (including Leukoreduction) and promote the advantages of leukoreduction before storage. On November 11, Director Lin Chi-ling gave a lectureon "Leukoreduction before Storage" at the clinical medicine conference at Puli Christian Hospital.
To familiarize students with the procedures of blood donation and deepen their understanding of blood donation concepts, students from the Medical Laboratory Science Group of the Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology at Chung Shan Medical University, the Scout Club of Taichung Municipal Focus Junior High School, the Qun Yu English Cram School, and other educational institutes visited our center this year to not only learn about blood donation, but also to obtain ideasto spread blood donation concepts.
One of the ongoing objectives is to promote service quality. This year, the service quality educational training program invited the CEO of Taiwan Service Proprieties Quality Management Association, Huang Ai-ting, to give a speech on "Creation--the Only Irreplaceable Value, Six-Star Level Service--Updating New Programs" and the Manager of Sing Cheng Service Quality Management Training Institute, Liu Da-qing, to present the "Aesthetics of Speaking-- Good Quality Communication Skills" in the hope of promoting service quality and providing better services.
To cooperate with the Department of Health of the Taichung City Government, our center advocated knowledge regarding blood and the importance of blood safety at the Health Education Promotion Automobile’s "Love, Medication" Carnival held at Park Lane of CMP on July 27; the Anti-Drug Promotion was held at Chung Yo Department Store in Taichung City on November 8; and the World AIDS Day Campaign was held at the arena of National Taiwan University of Sport on December 13.
We also takes advantage of mass media to spread the blood donation ideas. In the first half of the year, our center cooperated with hit FM while in the second half of the year, our center worked with M-Radio to spread blood donation ideas and appeal to young people between the ages of 17-24 to make blood donation through 20-second commercials, interviews, and other special units that were broadcast during summer vacation, blood donation month, and the blood shortage period, spreading the information about Taichung Blood Center. Furthermore, our center also works with Place Broadcasting Service of Taichung Station to regularly hold blood donation activities each season and call for more people to take part in blood donation. In addition, we also actively promotes blood donation activities and calls for blood donation during blood shortage periods through billboards and commercials broadcast by local cable TV stations.
Our center continues to work with the Department of Communication Arts at Chaoyang University of Technology under academic and industrial cooperation to implement blood donation campaign projects. This year, the event focused on the celebration of the 40th anniversary of blood donation institutes to recruit touching stories regarding blood donation, create posters in an "animation" style to attract more young people to donate blood, and collect more excellent designs for the purposes of online marketing. In addition to academic and industrial cooperation, our center is also engaged in "Service Learning" courses so that students can make blood donation the topic of the course. Blood donation activities within the university can be further promoted, and the resources of the University can also be publicized. Our center cooperates with the "Lead Competency" course of Feng Chia University so that students can apply the theories they learn in class to blood donation charity work.
Our center publicizes itself through popular social networking websites such as Facebook to attract the general public's attention with diverse content and convey correct blood donation knowledge and concepts. In this way, we can interact with its fans and use the powerful social networking functionof Facebook to best spread the word.
We cont inues to work with the Taiwan Headquarters of Lions Clubs International, Kiwanis Taiwan, Buddha's Light International Association R.O.C., and Taiwan Rotary Club Association to hold regular blood donation relays or other activities to help our center collect more blood and attract more club members to regularly attend blood donationsocial service charity works. Furthermore, our center holds a variety of events with special themes to appeal to more donors, such as "Passionate People in Changhua: A Thousand Donors " held together with KuoHsing Poultry and Livestock Feeds Co. at the gate of Lukang Township Arena and a charity blood donation event held together with Vieshow Cinemas and  KSSOGO Taichung. Thanks to broadcasts by the press and mass media, more people can take part in blood donation during blood shortage periods.
Taichung Center currently has more than 40 volunteers undergoing complete educational training so that they can provide good quality services. In addition to completing basic and special training and acquiring the volunteering service manual, the  volunteers will take part in a work review once every quarter. Some members will also attend development training, supervision training, Ministry of Health and Welfare National Volunteering Service Integration System Training and reporting meetings. The volunteers are assigned to serve at fixed blood donation sites during holidays, as well as to support large events. Their performance has been well received by both the staff and the general public. Moreover, the captainof the volunteer team, Li Rong-qin, won the 2014 Award for an Excellent Health Care Volunteer in Taichung City.
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:7329
  • Last Update:2015/04/23 06:26:24