Program Activities-Administration

單圖版圖片 Program Activities-Administration

The Foundation In Full Operation

The Foundation is a medical corporation established under the Medical Care Act. The Board of Director has thirteen members and one supervisor to supervise and direct the operation of the Foundation and the blood centers. The 6th Board of Directors meetings were held three times during this year on February 21st, May 15th, and October 30th, to discuss policy matters and make decisions.
The policies and business operation of the Foundation are carried out by the blood centers following the standard operational procedures. To promote internal communication and management, meetings of directors of the blood centers are called regularly with three times this year on January 12th, April 17th and September 11th, for business discussion. Ad hoc meetings of members from the blood centers are called to discuss important issues on special projects for the eternal development of the organization.
On-Job Training for Employees
Regular on-job training courses on subjects such as blood collection, blood supply, laboratory testing, blood components, public relations, financials, information technology, and administration are held to improve the professional knowledge of employees. Training includes: lectures of scholars and experts, book review workshops, conduct in collaboration with academic institutes continuing education symposiums on laboratory testing, participate in international conferences--to raise the quality of employee professionalism.
Strengthening of Centralized Procurement
The foundation is the only medical institution that handles donation and supply of blood; some special medicines and supplies may have to be imported through dealers or by order. To effectively reduce costs, most items directly related to blood that are required in large quantity are collectively procured by the Foundation. Professional journals, souvenirs, and educational materials are also directly procured for the use of the blood centers, to unify specifications of procurement, to actively coordinate blood centers for allocation of supplies to timely control the stocks, and to reduce capital investment.
Renovation of Workplaces.
Workplaces of the Foundation and the blood centers are procured by relevant regulations and financial conditions. This year the foundation continued the construction plans of Pingtung Blood Station for the extension of the Kaohsiung Blood Center; workplaces are repaired; instruments and facilities are renewed according to needs. For limited resources, some facilities are contributed by enthusiastic donors.
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:6264
  • Last Update:2013/05/03 10:48:11